Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Exploratory Phase - Site Specific Installation

Exploratory Phase - Site Specific

"The Loving Hut"

My pain levels at the beginning of term were phenomenal. I began the course in the first week of September, was diagnosed on the 23rd and prescribed medication that was effective immediately. My life has been SO much better since then.

Trying to access Student Support was difficult and delayed. Some of the ideas college came up with - using hand gestures to communicate that I needed a break - I found insulting. Removing myself to a "Reflection Room" was useful if I needed to stretch or lie on the floor, but it had no seating suitable for back problems and the aspect of being "hidden away" felt very shameful.

The Loving Hut came about as a response to these issues.

The goal posts were moved by the maintenance team on campus, and the survival shelter is tucked away at the end of a long path, out of the way and not terribly accessible from classrooms.

Coffee pots without running water, teabags with no kettle, scratched and unplayable relaxation CDs, dead flowers... this piece is basically a giant unsubtle sulk. Got to get this stuff out of my system! 

I spent time alone in the shelter while crocheting a Prozac pill or eating lunch. It was lovely to hear the sounds of nature and lie down on a relatively comfortable foam mattress, albeit one I found in the street. It was also very satisfying to see the fascination it inspired in the sports students. One even asked if they could use it to hang out in. 

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